Introducing SellPro Streaks
April 23, 2018
Introducing SellPro Streaks – Maybe the most exciting and innovative SellPro feature to date!
The way it works is simple—just open SellPro every day to keep your SellPro Streak alive. On day one, you’ll be rewarded with one (1) Streak Bonus play to use in the Gravity Game. On day two, you’ll get two (2) Streak Bonus plays. Each day you open SellPro, you’ll keep your streak alive and will be rewarded with an additional Streak Bonus play. On the tenth consecutive day of opening the app, you’ll max out with ten (10) Streak Bonus plays. Each day that you open SellPro after the tenth consecutive day, you’ll automatically receive ten (10) Streak Bonus plays until your streak is broken.
If you open SellPro every day until the end of time, on that last day, as the asteroid is heading for the Earth, you’ll STILL get ten (10) Streak Bonus plays to use in the Gravity Game. FYI, the plays don’t roll over day to day, so USE 'em or LOSE 'em.
We know what you are thinking…so what happens if I don’t open SellPro everyday? (why wouldn’t you, though?)
Once an active SellPro streak is broken, you will automatically return to one (1) Streak Bonus Play, and will have an opportunity to start a new streak the next day.
You wanted more opportunities to learn and earn—we delivered! All you have to do is show up!!
Make sure you update to the latest version of SellPro, then start your streak today!!!
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