SellPro Singles Awareness Blitz
February 11, 2019
Valentine’s Day? Bleh. So overrated.
Why do we celebrate relationships but have absolutely NOTHING to honor single people?!
Well, SellPro’s got you covered. This Thursday, February 14th is our annual Singles Awareness Blitz! This will be a day full of love, but not from your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband/dog. The love will come from HP, Canon, and VIZIO! Treat yourself to coffee, dinner, or a movie on this one-day blitz by certifying on just ONE course in order to unlock the corresponding award.
Don’t stand us up; mark your calendars for the date we have planned for you from 12pm – 3pm PST:
Course: OMEN X Emperium 65 Display - Sneak Peek
Award: $10 Starbucks Gift Card
Course: FAQs: Sound Bars with Dolby Atmos
Award: $15 Fandango Gift Card
Course: Canon PIXMA G4210 Wireless MegaTank AiO
Award: $25 Brinker Gift Card
Certify on one (or all) of these courses in order to unlock the corresponding awards in the PlayZone. Again, these awards will be live from 12pm – 3pm PST on 2/14. Happy Singles Awareness Day!
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